Accounting for correction factors to prevent degradation of the natural environment when calculating recreational capacity in specially protected natural areas

  • Макарова Вера Николаевна

    Vera N. Makarova, Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia

  • D. S. Zashkina

    Darya S. Zashkina, Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia

  • Irina V. Isaeva

    Irina V. Isaeva. Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia


Abstract. In this paper, we demonstrate the method of adjustment applied to the recreational capacity of the ecological path in a specially protected natural area with regard to the hierarchy of correction factors based on field studies. The purpose of the paper is to adjust the method for calculating recreational capacity, regarding the local specificities of the territory. To prevent degradation of the natural environment of specially protected natural areas (as exemplified in the Tsarskaya Doroga ecological tourist route located on the territory of the Bureinskiy State Nature Reserve). The development of ecological tourism continues rapidly. In the realm of the constant urbanization pressure, it
is visiting natural areas that has a beneficial effect on a human’s health and psychological well-being. These visits, however, should be sctrictly regulated, as the natural environment is highly susceptible to anthropogenic influences. An important component of this calculation is considering correction factors in the local aspect. Increasing pressure on natural areas is fraught with their degradation and biodiversity impoverishment. It is important to consider the influences of all environmental factors as much as possible to propperly apply correction factors when calculating the recreational capacity of an ecological path. It is essential to regard the local features of the area, even
with a rather short tourist season. The scientific novelty of the study lies in adjusting the method for calculating the recreational capacity with regard to the field data obtained in different periodinof the tourist route season in hard-to-reach specially protected natural areas to prevent degradation of the natural environment. The practical application of the "Current Capacity Assessment" technique with
the qualimetric methods used was carried out on the Tsarskaya Doroga ecological path (with regard to climbing Podkova Mountain) in the Bureinskiy State Nature Reserve.
Keywords: tourism, ecology, ecological path, ecological tourist route, recreational capacity, local factors, anthropogenic impact, regulation.